

eslite hotel

Nightly rates from S$240 in Taipei! Book online for the best prices. Located in Xinyi District, eslite hotel is a great accommodation choice.

eslite hotel

Nightly rates from ₹14955 in Taipei!

eslite hotel

Nightly rates from [MINPRICE}} in Taipei! Located in Xinyi District, eslite hotel offers a great night of sleep so you're well rested for the next day.

eslite hotel, Taipei

Eslite hotel offers impeccable service and all the essential amenities to travelers. Keep up with all your communications easily with the hotel's free Wi-Fi.

【2024年最新優惠】誠品行旅(eslite hotel)

誠品行旅(eslite hotel)(台北市) 2024年超值優惠,每晚最低價起。誠品行旅位於松山文創園區內,緊鄰誠品生活松菸店、紅點設計博物館、松菸倉庫和國父紀念館, ...

台北市誠品行旅(eslite hotel)住客真心話大告白 第頁

高樓層能看到101、巨蛋,且旅館在松山文創裡,所以地點很好。 缺點是飯店設備較差,無游泳池、健身房也較一般小、早餐也沒有用這個價位該有的水準。 房間為一房一廳一衛一 ...


酒店的工作人員都非常親切,笑容滿面地迎接客人,讓人感到非常舒適,入住體驗非常好。房間附有陽台,景觀非常棒,可以欣賞到美麗的台北101。房間內的備品也很好用。我是一 ...


全館房間共104間,一層樓一個年代的台灣攝影作品,行旅揉合設計風格, 依照需求及坪數,備有雅緻客房、經典客房、行政套房及人文套房,寧靜典雅,服務細緻。